This after pushing a bike up 3km of road which looked, to quote Cash McCall’s song Black Bear Road, “like a whole bunch’a zees and dubyas all strung together” (note fragments of road visible at stage left and diving behind some pines near centre stage).
The “Camp Track” behind the castle was very pretty: was the scenery on the way back down. This was a shot over Glenfalloch and MacAndrews Bay to Sawyers Bay. The “wee train” (it seems that “wee” things can actually be reasonably large; this is a 20+ car goods train) goes past Sawyers Bay and Port Chalmers about every hour or so, and makes an incredible amount of noise for its size.
Note that coasting downhill on a pushbike at ≅60km/h for ≅10 minutes through Dunedin’s sixteen-degree (Celsius) late-afternoon air leaves one f-f-f-fa-fa-far too cold at the end of the run.
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